Thursday 22 November 2012

I'm back...

...and straight into a dose of norovirus. Normal service will be....oh excuse me a moment....


  1. Oh never mind that. Get a bucket and start writing.

  2. Oh NO! You poor thing. Just hope it's not...erm.. how can I put this politely..."both ends at once". I knew someone who had to deal with that particular scenario and then had a nosebleed at the same time too. I think that's supposed to make us feel grateful for small mercies ;-)


  3. According to a doctor I know, "half of London has D&V this week", so be warned, unless you're one of my lovely Stateside readers. Luckily it was just 'V' with me, and no nosebleeds (C that did make me laugh, though the reality of it must have been grotesque).

    I feel a lot better than I did yesterday, so at least it passes quickly...
